Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hosting Reviews

Everyone needs hosting to market their products, well here are my takes on 3 major hosts:

1) PowWeb
Their service is beyond superior, they are always ready to help you out whenever you need it. One gripe I do have with PowWeb is that the are very slow sometimes. It doesn't matter what you have on your site, sometimes it ends up loading slow. This isn't an everyday thing, but something to look into none the less. I recommend them to everyone I talk to. Check PowWeb out.

2) GoDaddy
Ah, everyone has heard of GoDaddy! And for good reasons too, they are one of the best out there. There mainly known for their domain registrations, however their hosting is growing. Be warned that their hosting is like nothing you have used before, but it is still good.

3) Start Logic
Another great host, with great support. I have not noticed any slow loading like that of PowWeb, however, StartLogic does have a weird function that shuts down your site after a lot of CPU usage. Oh well, doesn't happen to often.

Happy Holidays!

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